Thursday, 6 January 2011

Main Production and Ancillary Texts

Below is my completed openning 5 minutes to my documentary.

Below is my Print Advert.

And below is my radio Trailer. (please click to play)

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Evaluation Question 1

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms & conventions of real media products?

My media product follows the codes & conventions of the documentaries, print adverts and radio trailers in many ways. Firstly I believe the 3 texts do not challenge or develop the codes and conventions, I have tried to follow the codes and conventions of each so that I produce a professional looking text. Firstly I will compare my documentary with a real documentary.

As you can see I have got a screen shot from my documentary (on top) and a professional documentary (The Devil Made Me Do it) from youtube . This illustrates my use of framing whilst filming my interviews and shows I tried to follow the Codes and Conventions as closely as possible.

• Interviewee eye line upper third of screen.

• Interviewee positioned to 1 side of the camera, interviewer is positioned on the opposite side of the camera to the interviewee. CU or MCU, following rule of thirds.

• Background of interviews – reflects subject or person, as you can see from my interview you can clearly see my interviewee works in a school from the desk, files and suite he is wearing.

Next I will look at the use of Graphics.

The only time I have used on screen graphics is for interviews. I have used the same font size, colour and font throughout my documentary.

• The graphics appear on the opposite side to the interviewee and both the professional production and mine follow this convention.

• My graphic anchors who the person on screen is and the relevance to the subject whereas the professional production doesn’t follow this convention.

• Both productions have used a simple easily recognisable font.

• In my production we have the top line of the graphic as a larger font size than the bottom line and thus following convention.

Finally I will look at my Print Advert.

Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Firstly I will look at how I used the title of the documentary throughout our media products.

When designing our print advert to follow codes & conventions of newspaper adverts etc, the advert is in a landscape style. The reasons for this out when purchasing advertising space in a newspaper its easier to place in the newspaper also it will be able to be used on billboards and finally all Channel 4 adverts are in landscape.

Next I used the same voiceover for both the documentary and the radio trailer.

It is important that all the ancillary texts link together so the audience are able to hear and look at the different forms of advertising and link them all to the documentary. If they weren’t all linked and all had different styles, slogans etc then the audience would get confused as to what it is advertising and possibly may not be as interested in the documentary.

The advertising

To promote and advertise our documetary we created a print advert and radio trailer. Below are some of the local radio stations and newspapers that our target audience would listen to. We woul aimt most of our advertising at these places. Radio stations such as XFM are regional and have a manchester station available across the north west and london station available across the south etc.

Many of our radio stations are available on DAB and so using these will attract a larger number of our target audience. The trailer would be aired at peak times i.e mornings as our target audience are travelling to school, college, university & work, lunch times and between 3-6 pm when our target audience are travelling home.

As for our print advert it could be published on any day of the week in any of these newspapers mainly tabloid as that is what our target audience read.

Evaluation Question 3

What have you learn from your audience feedback?

To receive audience feedback we organised a focus group of our intended target audience to watch our documentary, listen to our radio trailer and view our print advert. We designed a questionnaire of 14 questions for them to answer covering all aspects of our products. Also we put all our meia products on our facebook pages. We didn't get any feedback on the radio trailer or the print advert but we got good feedback about the documentary.

Here is the feedback we received from our facebook pages.

I am really pleased with the feedback we received from Facebook. The feedback was from members of our target audience and nearly everyone said that our documentary was very similiar to profesional documentaries. Thomas Lloyd offered us the best constructive criticism along with Joseph Akroyd who both came up with the problem with the framing of the interviews. Thomas Lloyd said 'The main benefit of the product is the voice of god. The voice is calm, professional and links the whole documentary together'. We spent a long time deciding on our voice-over and I am really pleased Thomas Lloyd thinks its one of the strongest parts of my documentary. Also they said they really liked the interviews everyone seemed to agree with this.

Here are a few pictures of our focus group during the showing of our products.

Here are the results from the questionnaire we asked our focus group.

1. Do you think the camera work and music suit this genre?


2. Does our documentary flow well?


We received positive comments such as ‘cutaways and our voiceover linked well’.

3. Is our Documentary Well edited?


We received feedback saying where we could improve such as ‘more cutaways’.

4. What do you think of the title sequence?






5. What do you think of our soundtrack?

No Opinion-1

6. Would you watch the whole documentary?

On 4oD-1
Not Sure-1

7. What was your favourite part of the documentary?

8. Do you think our documentary appeals to our target audience of 16-24 year olds?
All the 10 people we asked answered yes.

9. Do you think our documentary is suited to channel 4?

Out of the 10 people we asked they all answered yes.

10. How do you think our documentary compares to real documentaries?

10 people said very similar.

11. What are the strengths and weaknesses of our documentary?



12. Does our radio trailer entice you to watch the documentary?

13. Does our print advert draw you in and interest you enough to watch our documentary?

All 10 people answered yes.

14. What do you like and dislike about our advertising campaign?



I asked a member of my target audience to watch, look at and listen to all my media products.

Olivia Robinson 16,
GCSE Student,
Loves clothes and watches a wide range of television programmes but her favourite channel would be channel 4.

Evaluation Question 4.

How did you use the new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

For this answer I have used a Prezi presentation which you can see below to show how I used media technology through all my media priducts.